A long time ago … in a place thousands of kiddies away from today … after Scott had cured a kindergartener that was throwing huge temper—melt down—tantrums (Take cover Betsy she’s gonna blow!) because he didn’t want to go to school … “it” happened. The parents of the loudest kid in the world asked him, “You’ve been so amazing with our son, could you help us too? We’re having trouble as a couple.”

And as fate would have it, Scott began helping couples achieve and experience the kind of strong and loving relationships they have always wanted in their lives, in their marriage, and in their families. All they needed were the tools and skills, and a talented behaviorist to teach & coach them on how to use their new skills daily.
Because of Scott’s reputation and distinction as a brilliant expert with children … it’s often forgotten that the magic he weaves with kids … is the same wizardry he uses to train couples how to live like honeymooners! Just like kids, being a couple doesn’t come with an instruction sheet. As fun as it can be, it’s sure not easy being a couple (especially if you have the added pressures of rug rats running around).
He masterfully takes couples step-by-step toward creating a thriving marriage adventure awash with passion, fun, joy, satisfaction, and meaning. For Scott, counseling couples is kind of like the secret menu at In-N-Out Burger. It’s there; you just have to know to ask for it (“I’ll take mine passion fruit style please!”).
- Are you married and wanting to be happier in your relationship than you are today?
- Are you a blended family and your "couple" part is sinking fast and you really want to learn how to make it?
- Are you single and wanting to make sure you pick the right partner this time?
- Are your parenting styles different, not meshing well ... (you know it's a bad sign when your partner says, "I hate you." after you discipline one of the kids.) ... and you want to be on the same happy page together?
- Are you a Christian couple searching for a Christian counselor?
- Are you in a relationship and wondering if it's got what it takes to move forward?
- Are you engaged and wanting to give yourselves the skills to thrive when you are married?
- Are you wondering if you have the skills to have a joyful thriving relationship and you want to learn how?

He has helped thousands of people transform their lives, and Scott will help you create the passionalte, fulfulling relationship you've always wanted too. Give Scott a call today.