Are you looking for an exciting and motivating In-Service Staff Development Trainer to inspire and empower your staff? Elementary Schools; Middle & High Schools; Child Development Centers; Non-profits; Foster Family Agencies, and Corporations are all home court to Scott. By booking him for your training, Scott will provide innovative ideas for strengthening their skills and stretching their abilities.

Scott created his In-Service Staff Training in response to an overwhelming demand from educators, administrators, mental health professionals, as well as those folks in corporate america for tools that work in the real world. Tools that help them make a profound positive difference in their lives both personally and professionally while making their jobs easier and much more fun!
His highly interactive and unique fun style will provide your staff with the powerful tools they need to be successful in today's world. Scott's Staff Development and In-Service Trainings cover a wide range of topics designed to help those in all sorts of professions to stay happy, healthy, and motivated for the tough jobs they all do. Scott combines twenty-three years of first hand practical experience with scientific principles to teach the skills and abilities needed to be successful in today's competitive world. He specializes in result-oriented performance concepts that motivate folks from all walks of life to stretch their abilities, their expectations, and learn how to be the best they can be.

Scott's trainings will provide your staff with tools that work in the real world. Workshop participants will lean new and innovative techniquest to increase their communication skills, their work skills, and their stress management skills.
Scott provides an amazingly relaxing stress management course where participants learn how to relax, breathe, and let the stress they are feeling just melt away -- this class can be done in as little as 1 hour -- perfect for a lunch time brown bag at your company! Your staff will looove you for bringing in Scott for this short relaxation course!!! Stay Relaxed, Stay Calm, and Manage Stress While Staying Healthy in Today's Fast Paced World is one of Scott's most popular and requested classes for corporations. Call today to get on Scott's calendar!
He will help your staff uncover, and discover, their hidden professional abilities while promoting their personal and professional growth. In his workshops, Scott takes aid at complacency and "that's the way we've always done it" thinking. He teaches workshop participants to "unplug" from negative behavior patterns they usually don't even know they are doing, to think outside those silly boxes, and how to use positive skills to do and achieve more than they ever thought possible in their life and in their careers.
His humor, inspiration, and solid educational training and experience will provide an event that will enlighten and energize those attending to reach for higher levels of achienvement and personal fulfillment.
For more information and availability on bringing Scott to your school, church, company, non-profit, or child-development center for a Staff Development Training … and giving your audience a presentation to remember ... call to speak with Scott today to get your event on his schedule for this year.
Staff Development and In-Service Training Topics
How to be a Teacher Without Losing Your Mind! (It's not JUST another day!!!)
Morphing from Burnout to Passion ~ The Secrets of Managing Stress & Creating Energized Professionals
Team Building ~ A Fun Day for Developing Closer and More Effective Work Relationships
How to Counsel Parents and Kids Without Losing Your Mind!
Strategies for Teaching Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder in the Classroom
How to Communicate Effectively with Difficult People
How to Manage Your Stress and Staying Healthy in Your Life
Stay Relaxed, Stay Calm, and Manage Stress While Staying Healthy in Today's Fast Paced World
How to Use Goal Setting and Prioritizing to Create Successful Team Members
How to Delegate at Work and at Home
How to Comminicate Effectively, Assertively, and Easily
Stop Procrastinating Now!
How to Solve Problems Easily and Effectively
Creating Healthy Work and Home Relationships
Overloaded? How to Take Control and Manage Work and Family Effectively!